Føler ikke jeg har kjøpt sminke på årevis, og etter jeg rundet Instagram i går på leting etter litt ny sminke kom jeg frem til en liten liste jeg tok med meg ned på El corte ingles! Gleder meg veldig til å prøve de ut! and this is what i got!

// Can´t remember the last time I bought makeup, and after I rounded Instagram yesterday in search of some new makeup, I came up with a small list I took with me down on El corte ingles! Can’t wait to try them out! and this is what i got!

1. Dior backstage brush number: 15

2. Dior mono couleur couture in color: 658 Beige Mitzah / 3. In color: 481 Poncho Satin

4. Shiseido in color: 04 sube sube beige - HERE

5. Lancome le stylo waterproof liner in color: 03 chocolate matte - HERE
6. Shisheido eyeliner brush: HERE
7. Dior lip liner in color: 593 Brown fig

8. Chanel les beiges creme belle (so excited to try this one!)



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