Hope you have a lovely weekend, I think about how much I appreciate you guys a lot.. & that you still follow me after all these years. Make yourself a good cup of coffee this morning and try to do one thing for yourself today. A face mask, a smile, a glass of wine – something.



1. HERE / 2. HERE / 3. HERE / 4. HERE

5. HERE / 6. HERE / 7. HERE / 8. HERE

I have waited for the perfect white blazer for a long time, and it is something very powerful with a white blazer.. I don´t know what it is, but sometimes you want to wear something masculine without being a black blazer, if you know what i mean.. Love it, and it will be a part of my wardrobe forever.


Jeg husker ikke hvor jeg så dette første gang, men jeg husker jeg lagret det, og gledet meg til jul allerede da. Så, treet er oppe og jeg kom på videoen jeg hadde lagret inne på Instagram. Kanskje verdens enkleste triks! Engleslør, som vi kaller det i norden kan kjøpes nesten hos alle blomsterbutikker og koster ikke veldig mye heller! Jeg kjøpte ca 3 pakker, men kunne sikkert også holdt med 2! Så dro jeg de fra hverandre og plasserte de rundt på treet. Engleslør kan også tørkes ut uten at de blir så veldig stygge, så det er bare å la de være til treet skal ut, eller pakkes ned! Tror også jeg må skaffe meg noe mer personlig julepynt snart hehe, all julepynten jeg har hatt de siste 2-3 (?) årene har vært den samme fra Milla etter et samarbeid vi gjorde for flere år siden! Synes så klart de er fine, men det er noe med å skape tradisjoner selv også..

// I don’t remember where I first saw this, but I remember saving it, and looking forward to Christmas even then. So, the tree is up and I came across the video I had saved on Instagram. Perhaps the world’s easiest trick! Angels breath can be bought at almost all flower shops and doesn’t cost very much either! I bought about 3 packages, but could probably have kept with 2! Then I pulled them apart and placed them around the tree. Angel breath can also be dried without them getting too ugly, so just leave them until the tree comes out, or pack them up! I also think I’ll have to get some more personal Christmas decorations soon hehe, all the Christmas decorations I’ve had in the last 2-3 (?) years have been the same from Milla after a collaboration we did several years ago! Of course I think they’re nice, but there’s something about creating traditions yourself too..



looks like I am going to marry someone hehe, the dress is made by Envelope 1976 in collaboration with Coop prix. It´s just gorgeous, and is custom made to me! Almost want to get marry in it. It has a high neck, and a long tail. I am actually not going to wear anything on my nipples so that can be fun. The shoes are borrowed jimmy choo´s! Never ever had a pair, so I am very excited to try them out. Feels very Carrie Bradshaw!

wish me luck! xx

very requested, so her it is!

1. HERE / 2. HERE / 3. HERE / 4. HERE / 5. HERE / 6. HERE / 7. HERE / 8. HERE / 9. HERE / 10. HERE / 11. HERE

I have learned that boys always need boxers, and more t shirts!
and they need a new belt, gloves & wallet without knowing,
or I don´t think a woolcoat is a dumb idea with some chill clothes underneath after Christmas eve!

hope this helps <33