and why is everything so sparkly?

1. Christian Dior underwear set, I don´t know but I think about it a lot hehe. I want to just.. wear it, and swim in it.

2. Ysl sparkling boots, agh, I guess they don´t last long but they are soo sparkly!!

3. The one I want the most I guess, GOD I regret this one so much

4. Let´s not even go there, I had the chance, and I didn´t

5. The Chanel boots, but they are so cute!!


Jeg har alltid vært utrolig sær når det kommer til parfymer, og bytter egentlig.. aldri? Så parfymene mine er ikke akkurat mange. Jeg kan like å prøve nye lanseringer, men det er sjeldent den blir med meg helt inn på badet og ned i skuffen. Disse derimot har det!

// I’ve always been incredibly weird when it comes to perfumes, and really.. never switch? So my perfumes are not exactly many. I like to try new launches, but it’s rare that it stays with me all the way into the bathroom and into the drawer. These, on the other hand, have!

Maison margelia «when the rain stops» 
Dette er en veldig veldig vanskelig duft å forklare, men jeg vil si den er noe maskulin. Selvom den er veldig frisk. Den er ganske sær, men skal få følelsen av lukten når det ikke lenger regner, og solen så vidt skinner gjennom.. må si at jeg kanskje liker navnet aller aller best.
//This is a very very hard scent to explain, but I would say it is somewhat masculine. Although it is very fresh. It’s quite strange, but you should get the feeling of the smell when it’s no longer raining, and the sun barely shines through.. I have to say that maybe I like the name the best.

Dette er egentlig en herreduft, men en duft jeg har brukt noen år. Den minner meg om høsten, helt til vinteren kommer.
Den er veldig «sterk», maskulin og dype noter, må luktes rett og slett!
//This is actually a men’s fragrance, but one I have used for a few years. It reminds me of autumn, until winter comes.
It is very «strong», masculine and deep notes, simply must be smelled!

Le labo «BAIE 19»
Dette er vinterparfymen min, som jeg er veldig glad i. Dette er vel også si og si en herreduft i manges neser, men jeg elsker den.
mamma derimot kommenterer denne alltid når den er på, og hun synes den er helt grusom hehe.
//This is my winter perfume, which I am very fond of. This is probably also a men’s fragrance in many people’s noses, but I love it.
Mum, on the other hand, always comments on this when it’s on, and she thinks it’s absolutely horrible hehe.

Le labo «ANOTHER 13»
Dette er den nyeste parfymen min, og minner meg mest om våren. Det var faktisk frisøren min som brukte denne før meg, og jeg kommenterte alltid lukten hennes hver gang jeg så hun at sist måtte jeg bare dra å kjøpe den. Ah, den er superdigg! Frisk, mer jentete kanskje men likevel litt maskulin! Denne er den jeg tror de fleste kommer til å like, av disse hvertfall..
//This is my newest perfume, and reminds me most of spring. It was actually my hairdresser who used this before me, and I always commented on her smell every time I saw her that last time I just had to go buy it. Ah, it’s super cool! Fresh, perhaps more girly but still a bit masculine! This is the one I think most people will like, of these anyway..

«One day, a woodcutter came along, and he said, “Well, I’m gonna cut you down.”

based on the true story about candy who was accused of slaughter her neighbor with an axe, seriously so good!!
I had never heard about this case before and I binged it, was so insane and Jessica Biel is just fab – stream it on disney +


most people seriously hate them, I kind of.. like them a lot. I don´t love them, but it feels like I am doing something I am not suppose to do, and I like it! I wanted this high cut because of my tattoos… and because I want to wear them with jeans and grey socks… YES you heard me haha!

find them: HERE


I love to change up my breakfast, and a chiapudding is amazing both as breakfast & lunch. I usually take one with me on meetings, or long appointments, so I have something to eat during the day! It´s so simple to make and soo good!


2 tablespoons with chia seeds 
1dl with the milk you prefer, I usually use Alpro chocolate milk, or oatly vanilla milk!
Put cold overnight and use the topping you want! <3 

(be sure to put the milk in first, then the chia seeds or they will get stuck in the bottom)